Becoming Visible Logo


Our friendly team of Deaf and hearing professionals offer you a wealth of cultural knowledge and useful advice.

What we provide

Our team delivers a high standard of translation and in many different formats. We translate content that you have written in English or produced in British Sign Language into the required target language i.e. either English or British Sign Language. We can translate letters, documents, leaflets, posters, videos and more.

What we do

Your translated piece of work will go through a rigorous monitoring process before it will be shown to you. This is to ensure that the translation has been done to a standard that is linguistic, regional specific and culturally appropriate.

Types of material that we translate

We translate anything! For example, we do translate many confidential documents such as:

  • Letters
  • Emails
  • Legal documents
  • News announcements (embargoed and free)
  • Transcripts

We also translate:

  • Essays/ dissertations
  • Websites
  • Organisational briefings/announcements/videos, etc

Just get in touch if there is a project you would like to discuss with us for advice and guidance. Contact us for a quote or to discuss further.

Contact Us

Turnaround time

We have an in-house filming and editing studio, so we have a range of turnaround time scales depending on a project’s requirements. We can offer a same-day translation service to projects with an agreed deadline.


If you know what your project is about and you would like to book in your translation request, please get in touch and we will get started!

If you are not sure…

We would be pleased to discuss your project with you and offer a quote. We would need to know from you, what your project is about, the target language you would like to translate from and to and (if written) the number of words (and if in video format) the duration of the video. With this information, we can then offer a quote. Please do get in touch here: